In the last post talking about steganography, previous post to complement good now let me explain how to hide one image inside another image
Well first we need a shell and wirte the next
cat your_image >> your_another_image
if we see in the header file is see what kind and see JFIF that means is a jpg file
if we see in the header of the other file see what kind and see PNG that means is a PNG file
And we see in the end of file see the file end "END" all the image png begin and end with "PNG" and "END"
This case caught my attention because we can see in the end of the file exit a message of wikipedia
And if wee see the change in the image jpg appear in the end of the file the word END and previously PNG
The steganography can have different use then i show you other method like a LSB and other
I recommend this program of steganography use LSB method work in ubuntu
sudo apt-get install steghide
Greetings i hope you liked :D